Polymer Clay Cookbook Free Download카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 14:33
Here’s a Simple & Fun Way to Make Your Own Polymer Clay Color RecipesAfter gathering several of my polymer clay color recipes , one of my readers asked me how I kept those color recipes. So today, I thought I would take a moment and show you my system for keeping my colors. Please know that there are literally dozens of ways you can do this. I have chosen to organize my colors this way because it is the most helpful and useful to me.
Feel free to use some, parts, or all of these ideas to make your own polymer clay color recipe book.Don’t have all your recipes in one place? DIY Book of Polymer Clay Color Recipes— Kater’s Acres (@katersacres)Using the Note Card SystemFor recipes that I make often (Parker for example) I keep recipe cards handy, directly in front of me at my workstation. You can get your own free printable to make your own recipe cards.
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Creating & Make Your Own “Book of Color”About a year ago I had made so many color recipes I needed a place to put them, along with notes on how they were made, color palette ideas, etc. The other reason that I started this notebook was because of the I made & posted here on the site. I made this color as specified in the recipe, however, I was NOT able to ever duplicate it. This bothered me why?
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Did the pigment in the clay brand change? I’m still working to duplicate it (it’s on the “to-do list” but I haven’t gotten there yet) and when I recreate it, I will post the results for you.